Swimming Club
The Crock's Cup

The Watsonian Club
Swimming and Physical Training Section
“The Crock’s Cup”
Presented by the Oldest Member
J. Boyd Jamieson M.D., F.R.C.S.E
The Crock’s Cup is presented to the winner of a race over two lengths of the pool. Competitors must be 45 years of age, or older.
The names of the winners 1939-1999 are engraved on the cup.
The names of the winners from 2000 onwards are engraved on the base.
The silver band on the base for engraving was presented by George P. Murray in 2000.
1939 J.M. McGregor 1970 F.W. Lemmon 1995 C.E. Patton 2020 Covid 19
1946 T.B. Beech 1971 R.M. Morrison 1996 C.E. Patton 2021 Covid 19
1947 I. St.C Shaw 1972 R.M. Morrison 1997 G.P. Murray
1948 Robert Couper 1973 R.G. Robertson 1998 G.P. Murray
1949 Robert Couper 1974 K.S. Drysdale 1999 C.E. Patton
1950 F.A. Miller 1975 W.D.R. Williamson 2000 J.R.S. Kelly
1951 I. St.C Shaw 1976 A. Grahame 2001 C.E. Patton
G.P. Murray
1952 I. St.C Shaw 1977 R.M. Morrison 2002 R. Paton
1953 I. St.C Shaw 1978 J.F. Young 2003 J.M. Inglis
1954 A. Numbers 1979 K.J. Lyon 2004 C.E. Patton
1955 A. Numbers 1980 K.J. Lyon 2005 J.C.P. Gibb
1956 I. St.C Shaw 1981 K.J. Lyon 2006 J.C.P. Gibb
1957 No Race 1982 K.J. Lyon 2007 J.C.P. Gibb
1958 No Race 1983 J.C. Mathieson 2008 J.C.P. Gibb
1959 No Race 1984 A.K. Mackay 2009 J.C.P. Gibb
1960 E.W. Thomas 1985 K.J. Lyon 2010 A.J. Masson
1961 E.W. Thomas 1986 C.E. Patton 2011 No Race
1962 W.D.R. Williamson 1987 C.E. Patton 2012 No Race
1963 R.M. Morrison 1988 G.P. Murray 2013 A.J. Masson
1964 W.A. White 1989 C.E. Patton 2014 A.J. Masson
1965 R.M. Morrison 1990 K.J. Lyon 2015 A.J. Masson
1966 F.W. Lemmon 1991 C.E. Patton 2016 A.J.Masson
1967 F.W. Lemmon 1992 C.E. Patton 2017 A.J.Masson
1968 F.W. Lemmon 1993 C.E. Patton 2018 D.H.T. Scott
1969 G.R.B. Sherriff 1994 W.R. Watt 2019 D.H.T. Scott